How Much Does A Retaining Wall Cost?
One of the common questions we are asked is "how much does a retaining wall cost?"
It is easy to say, "well it depends" because there are so many variables but here are some ranges for different types and sizes of wall projects.
The height of the wall, straight vs. curves, type of materials, access to the site, backfill material, and slope play a significant role in determining the cost of a retaining wall project. Below are some examples with prices to give you a ruff idea. Just scroll over the pictures to see the price.
Our preferred wall block is VERSA-LOK. These segmental retaining walls are made from high-strength concrete units, dry-stacked, interlocked with pins, and set on granular leveling pads. These mortarless walls do not need frost footings. And when stabilized with geogrid soil reinforcement, VERSA-LOK walls can be built over 50 feet tall. From intricate landscaping features to tall, commercial walls, VERSA-LOK delivers your best value in segmental retaining wall solutions. Here are some approximate costs for walls built with Versa-Lok.